domingo, 18 de febrero de 2024

Noticias del día


✈️🚓👨🏻 *Aeropuerto de Maiquetía: el filtro de los perseguidos del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro.* Críticos al gobierno de Maduro son sometidas a interrogatorios y anulación de pasaportes

☝🏼🇺🇸👩🏻 *15 expresidentes pidieron Biden hacer "todo lo que esté a su alcance" para que María Corina Machado participe en las elecciones presidenciales*. "Machado tiene que estar en la boleta electoral de Venezuela"

📰👉🏼👨🏻 *Maduro rompió una promesa para celebrar elecciones libres y justas este año y EEUU debe responder*, destaca editorial del periódico estadounidense The Washington Post

⁉️👨🏼‍🦳⛓️ *Familiares del jubilado de Pdvsa que grabó a Alex Saab haciendo compras en Margarita siguen sin conocer su paradero*. "No lo han procesado en ningún lado. Esa desaparición forzosa ya es demasiado"

🎭🥳 *Alcaldía opositora de Maneiro, Nueva Esparta, realizó exitoso cierre del «Carnaval de la Alegría Maneiro 2024»*. Carrozas y comparsas llenaron de color las calles del municipio (FOTOS)

🇺🇸👨🏼‍⚖🇻🇪 *Juez en EEUU admitió demanda contra Citgo y Pdvsa interpuesta por 20.000 trabajadores despedidos*, quienes esperan recibir una indemnización de $100.000 por persona

⚡🏘️ *Alcaldía opositora de Falcón, Falcón, instaló siete transformadores eléctricos en igual número de sectores* y en los próximos días pondrá otros tres (FOTOS)

🇻🇪🚸🇪🇸 *España sigue ganando población gracias a la llegada de venezolanos*: Más de 27.000 migrantes criollos ingresaron a ese país en el cuarto trimestre de 2023

🇷🇺🚔🗣️ *"Putin lo mató», denunció el equipo del fallecido opositor ruso, Alexéi Navalni, después de que su madre recibiera este sábado el certificado de defunción* de manos de los funcionarios de prisiones

🧔🏻‍♂⚾🇺🇸 MLB: *Astros de Houston inició sus entrenamientos con la presencia del pelotero venezolano José Altuve, en West Palm Beach, Florida*. Será su temporada 14 (VIDEO)

💶📄🎬 *Guion original de ‘La guerra de las galaxias’ que usó en Londres Harrison Ford en 1977, se vendió por más de 12 mil euros*. Lo compraron los dueños del apartamento en el que el actor vivió durante el rodaje            *Síguenos en Es Noticia Venezuela 🇻🇪*

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2024



Monday, January 1          New Year's Day (Observed)


Monday, January 15        Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Monday, May 27             Memorial Day


Wednesday June 19        Juneteenth


Thursday, July 4                Independence Day


Monday, September 2     Labor Day


Thursday, November 28   Thanksgiving Day


Wednesday, December 25           Christmas Day

viernes, 5 de enero de 2024


 Imagine you and your friend are trying to decide what game to play together. You both have different favorite games, and you want to pick one that makes both of you happy. That's where game theory comes in!

Game theory is like a way of thinking about how people make decisions when they're interacting with each other. It helps us understand how our choices can affect others and how their choices can affect us.

Now, let's talk about two important concepts in game theory: players and strategies.

Players: In our game, you and your friend are the players. Game theory looks at how each player makes decisions to try and get the best outcome for themselves.

Strategies: A strategy is like a plan or a decision each player makes. For example, if you want to play your favorite game, that's your strategy. Your friend might have a strategy too, like suggesting their favorite game.

In game theory, we also talk about "payoffs." Payoffs are like the rewards or outcomes that players get based on the combination of strategies they choose.

Now, here's the interesting part. Game theory helps us analyze different situations and figure out what might happen. It's like predicting the moves in a game of chess or checkers. By understanding how players think and what they want, we can make better decisions.

There's also something called a "Nash equilibrium." It's like a balance point where neither player wants to change their strategy because it's the best choice considering what the other player is doing.

So, in simple terms, game theory helps us understand how people make decisions when they're playing games or interacting with each other. It's like figuring out the best moves to make everyone happy!

Game theory is used in various real-life situations to understand and analyze decision-making. Here are a few examples where game theory comes into play:

Business and Competition:

Price Wars: Imagine two companies selling similar products. If one lowers its prices, the other might follow suit. Game theory helps analyze how these companies make pricing decisions and how it affects their profits.

Advertising Strategies: Companies might decide how much to spend on advertising. Game theory helps understand how one company's advertising strategy influences its competitors.


Oligopoly Markets: In markets where a small number of companies dominate, like the airline industry, game theory helps predict how these companies will set prices and compete with each other.

Labor Negotiations: When workers and employers negotiate salaries and benefits, game theory can be used to model their strategies and outcomes.

Environmental Resource Management:

Tragedy of the Commons: When multiple parties share a common resource, like a fishing area or a water source, game theory can help analyze how each participant's actions affect the overall well-being of the resource.

International Relations:

Arms Race: Game theory can be applied to understand the dynamics of countries engaged in an arms race. Each country's decision to build more weapons is influenced by the actions of other countries.

Negotiations and Treaties: When countries negotiate treaties, game theory helps analyze the strategies each country employs to achieve its goals.

Social Interactions:

Prisoner's Dilemma: This classic example involves two suspects being interrogated separately. Game theory helps analyze whether each suspect should cooperate with the other or betray them, considering the potential outcomes.

Commons Dilemma: In situations where people share a common resource, like a park or public space, game theory helps understand how individual actions impact the overall quality and sustainability of the resource.

Evolutionary Biology:

Evolutionary Games: Game theory is used to study the strategies that species adopt in the struggle for survival and reproduction. It helps explain behaviors like cooperation, competition, and altruism among animals.

These examples show that game theory can be applied to a wide range of fields, helping us understand and predict decision-making in various complex scenarios.

jueves, 4 de enero de 2024

Explorando las Maravillas del Imperio Romano: Revelando Datos Curiosos


Explorando las Maravillas del Imperio Romano: Revelando Datos Curiosos

El Imperio Romano, con su rica historia y contribuciones culturales, ha dejado una huella indeleble en el mundo. Desde épicas batallas hasta maravillas arquitectónicas, los romanos fueron una potencia de innovación y creatividad. Sumergámonos en el fascinante mundo del Imperio Romano con estos datos curiosos e intrigantes:

1. Caminos que Duraron Milenios:

Los romanos fueron maestros constructores, y su red de carreteras fue un testimonio de su destreza ingenieril. Con alrededor de 50,000 millas de caminos, conectaron rincones distantes del imperio. Sorprendentemente, algunas de estas carreteras aún están en uso hoy, sirviendo como base para los sistemas de carreteras europeos modernos.

2. La Antigua Comida Rápida:

La comida rápida no es un concepto moderno; los romanos tenían su versión llamada "thermopolia". Estos establecimientos ofrecían una variedad de platos calientes y fríos para personas en movimiento. ¡Imagina tomar un bocado rápido en la antigua Roma!

3. Revolución del Concreto:

Los romanos fueron pioneros en el uso del concreto, un elemento clave en sus logros arquitectónicos. El Panteón, una maravilla de la ingeniería romana, es un testimonio de su dominio de este duradero material de construcción. La receta del concreto romano se perdió durante siglos y solo se redescubrió en tiempos recientes.

4. El Inventivo Calendario:

El calendario moderno debe mucho a los romanos. Julio César introdujo el calendario juliano en el 45 a.C., sentando las bases para el calendario que usamos hoy. El mes de julio incluso lleva su nombre.

5. El Espectáculo Gladiatorio:

Los juegos gladiatorios fueron una forma importante de entretenimiento en la antigua Roma. Estos brutales combates, celebrados en grandiosos anfiteatros como el Coliseo, mostraban batallas épicas entre gladiadores o entre gladiadores y animales salvajes.

6. Extravagancia en los Baños:

Los baños públicos fueron una parte integral de la cultura romana. Los Baños de Caracalla en Roma podían albergar hasta 1,600 bañistas a la vez. Estas grandiosas estructuras no eran solo para la limpieza, sino también para socializar y relajarse.

7. Desmitificando el Vomitorio:

Contrariamente a la creencia popular, un vomitorio no era una sala donde los romanos se purgaban durante los festines. El término realmente se refiere a los pasajes de salida en anfiteatros y estadios, permitiendo que grandes multitudes salieran rápidamente.

8. Romanos y Gatos:

A los romanos les gustaban los felinos. Consideraban a los gatos como amuletos de buena suerte e incluso los llevaban a la batalla para protección. Es un giro perfectamente encantador a la imagen de los soldados romanos duros.


El Imperio Romano continúa cautivándonos con sus numerosos logros y peculiaridades. Desde maravillas ingenieriles hasta costumbres culturales, los romanos dejaron un legado perdurable. Estos datos curiosos ofrecen solo un vistazo al fascinante mundo de la antigua Roma. Así que, la próxima vez que camines por una carretera bien pavimentada o disfrutes de un bocado rápido, recuerda que podrías estar participando en una tradición que se remonta al poderoso Imperio Romano.

¡Explora más sobre las maravillas de la historia y comparte la emoción con tus amigos! Mantente atento a más relatos cautivadores de los anales del tiempo.

Exploring the Wonders of the Roman Empire: Unveiling Fun Facts


Exploring the Wonders of the Roman Empire: Unveiling Fun Facts

The Roman Empire, with its rich history and cultural contributions, has left an indelible mark on the world. From epic battles to architectural marvels, the Romans were a powerhouse of innovation and creativity. Let's delve into the fascinating world of the Roman Empire with these fun and intriguing facts:

1. Roads That Lasted Millennia:

The Romans were master builders, and their road network was a testament to their engineering prowess. With around 50,000 miles of roads, they connected far-flung corners of the empire. Remarkably, some of these roads are still in use today, serving as a foundation for modern European road systems.

2. The Ancient Fast Food:

Fast food isn't a modern concept; the Romans had their version called "thermopolia." These establishments offered a variety of hot and cold dishes for people on the go. Imagine grabbing a quick bite in ancient Rome!

3. Concrete Revolution:

The Romans were early adopters of concrete, a key element in their architectural achievements. The Pantheon, a marvel of Roman engineering, stands as a testament to their mastery of this durable building material. The recipe for Roman concrete was lost for centuries and only rediscovered in recent times.

4. The Inventive Calendar:

The modern calendar owes a debt to the Romans. Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar in 45 BCE, laying the foundation for the calendar we use today. The month of July is even named after him.

5. The Gladiatorial Spectacle:

Gladiatorial games were a major form of entertainment in ancient Rome. These brutal contests, held in grand amphitheaters like the Colosseum, showcased epic battles between gladiators or between gladiators and wild animals.

6. Bathing Extravaganza:

Public baths were an integral part of Roman culture. The Baths of Caracalla in Rome could accommodate up to 1,600 bathers at once. These grand structures were not just for cleanliness but also for socializing and relaxation.

7. Vomitorium Myth Busted:

Contrary to popular belief, a vomitorium was not a room where Romans would purge during feasts. The term actually refers to the exit passages in amphitheaters and stadiums, allowing large crowds to exit quickly.

8. Romans and Cats:

Romans had a fondness for felines. They considered cats as good luck charms and even brought them into battle for protection. It's a purr-fectly delightful twist to the image of tough Roman soldiers.


The Roman Empire continues to captivate us with its myriad of achievements and quirks. From engineering marvels to cultural customs, the Romans left an enduring legacy. These fun facts provide just a glimpse into the fascinating world of ancient Rome. So, the next time you stroll down a well-paved road or enjoy a quick bite, remember, you might be partaking in a tradition that traces its roots back to the mighty Roman Empire.

Explore more about the wonders of history and share the excitement with your friends! Stay tuned for more captivating tales from the annals of time.


 Adobe Premiere Pro Team Projects is a collaborative feature that allows multiple users to work on a single project simultaneously. Here's a basic overview of how to use Team Projects in Premiere Pro:

Setting Up a Team Project:

  1. Create a Team Project:

    • Open Premiere Pro and go to the "File" menu.
    • Select "New" and then choose "Team Project."
  2. Name and Save:

    • Give your Team Project a name and choose a location to save it.
  3. Invite Collaborators:

    • In the Team Project panel, click on the "Invite Team Members" button.
    • Enter the email addresses of your collaborators. They will receive an invitation.

Working in a Team Project:

  1. Opening a Team Project:

    • To open a Team Project, go to the "File" menu and select "Open Team Project."
  2. Syncing Changes:

    • When you make changes, those changes are automatically synced with the Team Project. Others can see these changes in real-time.
  3. Communication:

    • Use the "Chat" panel to communicate with team members within Premiere Pro.
  4. Locking Changes:

    • You can lock a bin or sequence to prevent others from making changes while you're working on it.
  5. Version History:

    • Team Projects keep a version history, allowing you to revert to previous versions if needed.


  1. Managing Media:

    • All media used in a Team Project is stored in the cloud, making it accessible to all collaborators.
  2. Shared Storage:

    • Ensure that all team members have access to the same shared storage location for media files.


  1. Conflicts:

    • If conflicts arise (e.g., two users edit the same sequence simultaneously), Team Projects will attempt to resolve them. However, clear communication is essential.
  2. Syncing Issues:

    • Check your internet connection and ensure that all collaborators have the latest version of Premiere Pro installed.
  3. Permissions:

    • Confirm that team members have the necessary permissions to access and edit the Team Project.

Remember that Adobe's features and interfaces may evolve, so it's recommended to consult the latest Adobe Premiere Pro documentation for the most up-to-date information.

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